
...somebunny that I used to know.

She's growing right in front of our eyes.
Our little lamb, Talia.
(Or.. in this case, bunny).

As I hold her in my arms I can almost hear those little limbs extending.
Those tiny fingers and toes stretching.
Slow down baby girl... mama wants to savour these 'little' moments longer.

And now a beautiful quote from this book I'm devouring currently:
"Sweet, exhausted, amazing, resilient, fearless, remarkable, run-down mom - this book is for you...
...I'm thinking about all of us who are dancing our babies back to sleep or waiting up for them, like every generation of mothers before us - the ancient two-step that tattoos our love into the carpet, the hardwood, and the bosoms of our children".

(Lisa-Jo Baker: Surprised by Motherhood)
The ancient two-step... how well I know this dance.
This rhythm that pulls us into its gravity.
No longer in the womb, but still pressed up to my chest.
Every day she grows, and my heart follows.




  1. Ohhhh! She looks so sweet! An adorable little bunny! I haven't been here for ages, and I've missed all the good stuff. I'm just now coming out of my newborn fog and getting back into the world of blogging. Looking forward to catchin g up! xx

  2. Aw, hey mama - thanks for popping in! The fog is definitely understandable - love seeing your lil' treasures growing there too! xx


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