You know that scene in The Hobbit movie where the dwarves, and Bilbo, are wandering through the darkened Mirkwood forest? As they all start to get more lost - from the path - and from their own senses, Bilbo climbs the tree to get his bearings. It's a glorious scene as he lifts his head above the tree tops... sees the butterflies soaring, the sun shining... and clears his perspective with the fresh air.
I often feel the same way when I read the Bible.
It's like coming up for air.
It clears my senses.
It's like I've been drowning in a distracted fog beforehand.
Wandering off the path.
Confused by all the voices.
The Bible wakes me up.
The Bible shakes me up.
It's a defibrillator for my heart.
Reading Psalm 119.
"Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law".
The Psalmist was besotted with God's Word.
When the world seems upside down.
God's Word provides the bearings.
He is the Anchor.
Daily I need to lift my head above the enchanted forest.
The Bible is the filter through which I see.
I see the Son shining in all His glory.
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