
sweet Gypsy!

 You know what I love about blogging?
Well, lots of things actually... but that's beside the point, I love befriending people around this globe that I never would have the pleasure of meeting in 'real life'.

It's loads of fun... you stumble across some blogger...
follow a few of their posts... crack a grin, chortle a snort, or have your heart moved... and you think: "hey, I should stalk contact this person".  
Well, that's what I do at least... I start peppering their blog with comments until out of sheer exhaustion they give in and have to communicate with me!
I mean... we form a delightful relationship.

Such was the fate of this sweet gal ~ Nicole.
She runs a blog called Gypsy in Jasper (which of course had me at the name)... and then the fact that she's Canadian made me more partial, and that she wrote humourous and upfront posts about things she was thankful for in life - and things she just didn't 'get' about it too ...and her life travelling through our great country as a journalist with her dude Ian. etc!

Oh, and we have a mutual love of mushrooms.
So she, being awesome, bought my embroidered piece... and I, being nice enough, mailed it to her with some other goodies. (She posted about it here).

 As if her support of my handmade wares weren't enough... she rebounded the sweetness right back at me with this 'thank-you' parcel in the mail this week!

A delightful cluster of handmade goodies from her own felting fingers!
An ivory felt flower brooch and gorgeous knit/crochet(?) teal headband... and a thoughtful touch: a personal gift for daughter Azriel (a colourful felted flower hair clip)!
Azi insisted on clipping it to her shirt when she saw me wearing mine:
We. so. happy.

Don't you just love fan fun-mail?!

More importantly, I just love getting to know the kind souls that are out there in the 'blog-sphere' and connect with them.  

And you, you lovely readers (and those who comment here) it's truly my delight getting to know you better... especially since you hear me blah.blah.blah'ing constantly.

Thanks for making blogging so fun.
Thanks Nicole, for being so rad!

Mel ;o)


  1. Aw! Look how cute you are in that headband. It's crocheted, for the record! I'm so glad that you like everything. And, I'm stoked that you broke me down with all of your stalking and commenting. You've been a joy to have in my world. You're a totally awesome lady! xxxxxx

  2. Hehe, thanks again lovely!! You 'crochet' warm fuzzies around my heart with your kindness. :o)


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