Welcome back to an (exciting) edition of Monday Mamalogues:
'linking up to share the beauty and breakdowns of motherhood'.
I wonder how many of us have looked at these pregnancy tests with a mixture of fear + hope, excitement + panic, heartbreak + joy... to see what answer will appear there.
Soooo.. remember a few weeks ago when I was all like 'wish I could blame my extra chubby feeling lately on being pregnant.. but I'm NOT!'... and how tired I've been lately, and how my iron must be low?
Well the joke was on me... I was/am freakin' pregnant after all!!
I know, right?
Total craziness.
We really must have got into the crazy sauce here.. because that baker Ben snuck another bun in the oven.
I can't even begin to tell you how UNLIKELY this 'should' have been.
It's like being hit by lightning, three times in a row...
(Not that I'm comparing our kids to lightning, though they do have a way of lighting up our life!).
So yes, it was a real shock for us.
Especially since we were so convinced we were done at two.
In fact, when my family had recently asked us if we wanted more I had chuckled: "Pfffff, no, unless God has a sense of humour!"
Well, the heavens are laughing.. much like I was when I saw this test result (granted, mine was more of a maniacal nervous cackle).
Ben may still be rocking in a corner somewhere... I'm not too sure.
But don't get me wrong, this is not an accident .. I could never call a precious soul that.
This is a wild, happy, crazy surprise that's going to teach us afresh to depend on God for the grace to grow through each new moment!
Granted, I may be looking a lil' green in the process.
You may recall that babies don't like me.. and try to destroy me from the inside out.
I keep trying to yell down at my tummy "SYMBIOTIC relationship, ok??!! Not parasitic.. stop trying to wreck me here". I still have the health card picture from my last pregnancy to show my zombie face with blood shot eyes! Thankfully the little magic pill Diclectin has managed to keep me holding the food down each pregnancy.
Most days still feel like I've had one too many spins on the carnival tilt-a-whirl.
I also just want to sleep, all day, every day.
Not really an option of course.
But I must say that Ben is being an ACE husband around here!
But I must say that Ben is being an ACE husband around here!
Oh, did I mention I'm two months along?
I even got to hear the heartbeat already!.. and see the lil' bean with hands and feet waving at me (out of their armpits - picture this).
I am excited to have the same midwives back, they delivered both Azriel + Hudson!
So here we are.
Two years between each child basically.
A full, wild house of blessing and breakdowns!
I probably won't be documenting this pregnancy with a walk down the produce aisle like I did with our 'womb-fruit' Hudson. But I'll keep you updated along the way.
Now you know why I haven't had the energy to be extra creative lately...
I'm busy making a masterpiece!
So, the secret is out!
(Although I did dream of just wearing this t-shirt around as an announcement).
Ha, now I want a unicorn. But I'll settle for a healthy boy or girl.
In all seriousness though, our family would appreciate your prayers.
Heath for baby, energy for mama, real employment for daddy.
Yep, that would be awesome sauce.
Glowingly yours,
Mel ;o)