Hello friends, we are still here!
This long winter is in full force again today: a white out of sideways drifting fat flakes across the windows. While last night our home was hit with a black out... which made for a quiet evening of candle light and early bedtimes (granted, not much sleep was being had - our lil' guy was croupy).
All that to say - it's these times that are a good reminder to be thank.FULL.
Especially when the power goes out, and you start to see afresh how most of our existence hangs by a delicate thread called 'electricity'.
You start to remind yourself of what really matters.
(Then Facebook goes and makes a 10 year celebration video of your life.. and you're reminded of every thing that is most dear).
+ I'm so thank FULL for a God Who loves and pursues me with His grace even on my worst days.
+ I'm delighted to house this 'almost ready' daughter in my womb.
+ Blessed to be called 'mama', wife, friend, daughter, sister, niece.
+ I'm thank FULL for this daughter who is packed with four years of spunk.
+ Touched by her sweetness to draw/write love notes to all her family with big letters spelling "VELO" (that's love).
+ In wonder (and shock) of her endless energy and talkative spirit.
+ I'm thank FULL for this son who is almost two years of curiosity.
+ Despite sporting a new goose egg every.day. he dives in to his play with total abandon.
+ I delight in the way he rushes over for a quick hug or kiss to 'recharge' throughout the day.
+ I'm thank FULL for a husband that just keeps getting better every year (and I thought I scored a good deal to begin with!).
+ I'm honoured to journey with him and see God refining and reviving his heart each day.
+ Blessed by his care for our family... and the way he works all day (when it's available) and still finds the energy to make the kids run squealing with laughter and tickles in the evening.
Gratitude has a way of snowballing in to more thankfulness.
There's just.so.much in any given day to hold with wonder if we have the eyes to see it.
That friend you can call any time because they 'get' you.
The note in the mail from someone who wants to bless you.
The sweetness of a shared cup of coffee with your man... or a 'pretend tea party' with kids.
The warmth of a home in the blizzard of today.
SO much.
I'm not going to lie though, often it's easier to see the cup half empty.
To begrudge the things that are seemingly 'missing' or going wrong in one's day.
Life has the bitter and the sweet, almost every moment, really.
But choosing to focus on the daily blessings has a powerful way of sweetening even the bitter moments... and that's a heart muscle I want to get better at flexing.
Mel ;o)