
just breathe... sit... repeat.

Do you ever forget to breathe?  Now I don't mean the 'smell the roses'... or yoga 'centre yourself' kind of breathing. Just the in and out deal! So there are a few things that happen to me when I am caught up in art-making:
  • I get a euphoric buzz...my heart seizes up and I realize I'm not breathing
  • My lower lip gets chapped from 'concentrating'
  • I forget to sit down...
  • I get positively giddy from the excitement of creating!
So picture the scene today... I'm excitedly working away on my new line of pottery (at the dining room table now)..licking my bottom lip fiercely, gasping for breathe, rattling on about nothing (due to my giddy euphoria).. and my sweet husband says "sit down"! Now at first I don't even realise who he's talking to (maybe the cats, since our daughter was napping?).. and then I realise I am once again, hovering over my work like a monkey guarding its last banana!
So I need to be reminded (often by my husband - every five minutes)to just breathe,sit down, and savour the giddy delight God's given me for the joy of creating!

1 comment:

  1. I am quite envious of you Mel! I can't remember the last time I felt like that. I used to get like that every time I got into my clay, but now I don't feel like I have the time and my ambition has been lost. :(


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