
sip. snack. savour.

 Hello friends.  Well it's been a full, wild and wonderful weekend here.  The Springkle craft show was a great time - thanks to all you lovelies that came out and supported it (I hope to post a blog soon about the show and all the great vendors)!
But today is one of those days... it's grey and windy - and I want to snuggle up in some warm socks and think about yummy food, warm tea, blankets, cuddly cats and family 'couch time'.  So I thought I would post some fun (easy enough for me) meals we've had around here lately...
Roasted Vegetable Soup
(this is often the soup i make when there seems to be 'nothing' around to eat)
  1. Cut up chunks of potato/sweet potato/red onion/carrots/4 cloves garlic.
  2. Drizzle olive oil/salt/pepper/curry powder* (optional)/fresh rosemary into bowl and mix with veggies.  Lay out on baking sheet.  Oven at 350 for 1 hour usually.  Stir halfway.
  3. Puree softened veg's in blender/food processor.... and serve/enjoy!

 The best way to enjoy a meal - is with friends and family.  I love how food brings people together, and hospitality is a big priority for my husband and I.  Here's a fantastic meal to have for an adult 'pizza party'.  Food and Drink magazine calls it Indian Eggplant Pizza... I call it Yummmmmmmmmm!  My husband is the 'grill guy' and does an awesome job on these.
Hope this edible palette has brought some colour to this grey day for you too... see you again soon friends!
Mel :o)


  1. Ruth says: Haha that is us eating your food! :) Wow. You are super amazingly creative! Love the photos you take too. Everything is bright and beautiful!

  2. hehe... true! I blurred you guys so as to keep your identity a secret.. but now that secret is out ;o) Thanks for stopping in friends! xo


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