
here + there.

birds of a feather.
beach baby.
day-dreamer daughter.
laundry + leaf holder.
splashing toes.
picking a painting.
summer solstice
So here's another week, another peek at the moments that filled our nest.
Yes, the summer solstice ushered in a sticky humid heatwave to these parts.
Many a hissy fit has been had (even by the kids too)!  Did you know that one of the first places to start sweating on me is my nose..?!  If that place is a-glistening, my temper gets a-bristling.
Yeah, I'm not a real *heat* lover.

So, it's been lots of hiding in the shade, or kiddie pools, or beaches around here.

In other news, the cafe art show ended up being a fun success, so wooo!  I told Azriel she could pick out a favourite from the 'leftovers' for the kids room.  She grabbed the one right under her nose saying "pink and brown is my favourite, so I want this one".  Cutie.

Oh, and guess what?  Today after work yesterdat... I got to see our big boy take his first real steps!!
He's been free-standing a lot lately - with much applause.  Now he's a junkie for the ovations.. so he waddled across the room last night and delighted us all!  It only took him 16 months to get off his cute bottom!
Oh, he also loves to haul himself up into the brown chair there.. and sit like a king surveying his domain.  The cats have some cute competition for the throne now.

What's happening in your corner of the world this week?

Have a beauty day,
mel ;o)


  1. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful week!

    So I will be in Peterborough from Monday - Friday next week so I will be popping by to drop off your homemade gift. FINALLY!! Any particular day to pop by and time?

  2. First steps!!! Wow! How exciting. I'm so glad you were there to see them.

    It looks like you had a pretty great week, aside from the nose sweat. xo

  3. you are complaining about a little humidity? ha! now you know how i feel in miami. almost year long... my nose always sweats too. even with spicy food. great pics and congrats to little man on his first big steps!! xo

  4. Congratulations on your first steps, Huds!
    Beautiful moon photo! I really wanted to get one of the 'super moon' but we live on the escarpment and I couldn't actually see the moon. Then, I went to bed before it came into view. Oh well...
    Lovely photos!



Thanks for dropping by our nest, I love to hear from you!