
we celebrate him...

Guess what?  It's my Ben's big day today!
What better way to celebrate his birthday than to write a post about him - since he really does loathe being put on this blog.  But I just have to gush... just a liddle here Ben... 

I'm so blessed to be your wife.
I'm delighted to have first row seating in the story of your life...

to watch you grow older. wiser. self-sacrificing.

to watch your grow younger. sillier. playful.

For all the hats you wear - we tip our own at you and say:
Happy Birthday Beni!

We love you all sorts of lots.

Mel, Azriel & Hudson


  1. Happy Birthday Ben!! Hope your day is lovely :)

    Also, neat new banner Mel!

  2.  thanks Carly! xo

  3. Happy birthday to your dear husband... he sounds like a wonderful fella!

  4.  thanks Danielle - we are quite smitten with him! :o)

  5. Ellie shares the same Birthday! Happy Belated to your guy!


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