

 Well friends, I did it again.
Remember that post about being 'predictable' when I'm out shopping?  
Here's the proof - I totally had to buy this toque.
Once again, I caved to my doily/lace obsession... 
since I can't get them out of my head, I figured I may as well wear one on it.

It's a silly simple pleasure, I know.  But ever since I saw this one I had been scheming how to make a hat out of a large doily.
Then crafty Mollie made this sweet lace headband over at her blog Wild Olive... and I still plan to make one.
But this, this thrift score ($2.99) was exactly what I was after!

Ok, so this feels like a fairly shallow post to be so stoked over,
but I'm doilyted by it.  
Yeah, that's a real word in my world. 

Mel ;o)


  1. cute hat! and I'm glad you like the headband tutorial!

  2.  thanks Mollie - I love it!  I now have some sweet 'eyelet' for the headband too ;o)  Have a beauty weekend!


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