
D.I.Y: painted feathers mobile.

 Birds of a feather ~ lets get painting together.
This is probably one of my favourite do.it.yourself projects that I've done to date!
I love how it turned out... and it's so simple to create (or, as my motto goes: 'super.fast.stupid.easy').

Assortment of naturally found feathers (don't freak a fowl!).
Variety of acrylic paints.
Transparent thread/fishing line.

 1. Brush a liberal coat of each paint colour on to the tips of the feathers (both sides).
2. Accent with a metallic gold for some extra glam.

 *[Behind the scenes shot: painting feathers with my wee daughter]*

 Once your feathers are all painted, and dry, it's just a matter of hanging them from a branch.
Like I said, easy peasey lemon squeezy!
Note: I strung transparent fishing line to piece of driftwood.
You could paint the stick all fancy and full of patterns too.. I'm just a 'natural beauty' kind of gal myself.
(As an extra accent I strung a few red beads above each feather and hot glued them to the tips of the 'quill' to hang from the branch).

This delightfully modern and wild mobile now flutters over our daughter's play corner in our living room.

Hope it inspires you to enjoy some colourful feathers in your nest too!

Creatively yours,
Mel ;o) 


  1. Mel- this is great! I LOVE it! I may have to try my own version.... some day.... How do you find the time and energy??

  2. Hey thanks Cristi, glad you love it! As to that eternal 'time' question.. I just wedge it in during our 'creative time' together (as you can see in the painting photo here) OR during their afternoon nap.. or evening bedtime ...it's that rare moment of 'down time' during a mama's day as you know. ;o) xx

  3. love it, saw a similar one using an embroidery hoop

  4. thank you! Yes... hoops .. with doily strung inside it? Still tempted to make one of those too!

  5. Thanks Aura! ;o)

  6. I love how colorful this feather mobile is.


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