
my baby.fruit basket.7.

So, myself and the lil' guy are officially into our seventh month now... they say that puts him at the size of a butternut squash but I still feel like a pumpkin!

Lately it feels like he want a 'womb with a view' as my shirts keep inching up over the belly... and my pants keep sliding down under... that boy wants to peek out!  I'm still trying to get my wardrobe figured out for a winter pregnancy...

I should probably practise holding something so small again too.  
Our gal Azriel is two going on twelve lately it seems... especially when I try to heave her (and myself) up the stairs.

Only two more months and we get to see our new addition to the family!
I'm so curious to see who this guy is going to be... he definitely has a strong right-hook currently as he punches my kidneys.   But I don't think he'll be a brawler... there's a musical side to him as he seems to enjoy performing some version of Riverdance on my bladder!

You can follow our baby's growth through the produce aisle here.
Growing mama,
Mel ;o)



  1. I love that you call yourself a little fruit basket, haha :) and I'm sure you little one will be the most beautiful butternut squash you've ever seen ;) have a good week!

  2.  hehe, thanks Paula... maybe I should call myself a nutty butterball squashed full of baby instead?! ;o)
    Hope you have a grand week too!

  3.  aw, thanks Amy - you're pretty darn pretty lovely yourself. ;o)

  4. You are so wonderfully humorous! I love how you laugh your way through painful baby kicks while referring to Riverdance, truly classic!


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