
D.I.Y: Pinterest projects

Sometimes when my brain feels like mush for creative inspiration (which is often lately).. I hop over to Pinterest to score some ideas.  So today's do.it.yourself projects are actually from this source.
When I saw this super fast & easy tutorial for making cute chipmunks from a basic winter glove... I knew we had to make them!

Azriel - my eager assistant - watched as I hacked the glove into 'animal limbs'.
She sat beside me as I sewed on the machine (eagerly stuffing my pin cushion with pins).
Then we stuffed with fluff and stitched them all together. 

My stubborn lazy side (that doesn't tend to measure/follow patterns) resulted in a slightly 'mutant squirrel' version of the project.  
I also tied on a scrap kerchief for the fella and a wee necklace for the lady.

The real measure of a successful project: my daughter's delight!

Another super easy project from Pinterest was this rainbow ribbon cloud pillow.
I used some leftover ribbons I had (tip: singe the edge of ribbon on a candle and it won't unravel). 
This was to celebrate/congratulate my daughter on finally getting into her big girl bed

Are we Pinterest friends yet?  Hope so!

Have a beauty day,
sewing mama,
Mel ;o) 


  1. What a lovely way to spend the day and those ninja -chipmunks are too cute!

  2.  hehe, thanks Annie!  It's always fun to have projects that my daughter can help with :o)


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