
snack this.

In light of the last post about my 'baby. avocado. belly'... I thought I'd show you one of my quick snack options.  Around here I'm often grabbing a handful of almonds, or grapes... or marshmallows to keep my baby belly happy.  Today - obviously - I had an avocado on hand!
What can you do with such a bland.strange.creature you ask?
My favourite is to make maki-sushi.... or yummy guacamole with them!
But those treats take time... so, when in a rush... I do this:

1. Slice avocado in half... then cut slices down into each half.
2. Shower the halves in lime juice <squirt, squirt>.
3. Sprinkle with fresh pepper grounds. 

4. Spoon the yummy into your tummy.

Nom, nom, nom.

There's your 'fast food - gone green' recipe for the day.

munchin' mama,
Mel :o)


  1. honestly, I would never have thought to do this! So easy, but tasty! I just made up some guac the other day & also used some avocados in a salad. So good!
    p.s. saw your hubby early this morning, sitting outside the Bakery looking all bakerly. I waved, hopefully he knew it was me and not some Baker stalker. ;)

  2. MMmm guacy goodness!  I'll tell ben you waved - next time you should really freak him out and do a 'cat call' as you drive by! ;o)

  3. this mama "hass" to have at least 3 avocados in the house at all times..... I'M so the lame one ;)


  4. yummy!!  what a great sounding, healthy snack!  Gonna give it a try this week!  love the avocado baby pics, too!   i wish i had thought of that when i was pregnant!  it is such a sweet way to document the pregnancy journey!:)



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