
my bread man.

 Here's a small glimpse of our past plans and my illustration to prove it.  See, my husband Ben has a passion for baking.  He used to sell "Artisan Bread" to our neighbourhood - and it got rave reviews.  He was starting to dream of launching this on a larger scale under the name "the SkyLab Bread Co." ..... Instead, he got hired full-time at our local East City Bakery!

 So this is me, saying congrats to you, Ben!  I'm so thrilled you found a niche that fulfills your interests.. and brings home the 'dough'.  You're awesome!

I'm the lucky wife that gets her husband home after lunch,
(though he leaves at 3:30am)... all smelling of fresh baked goods, 
and his dark eyelashes dusted with flour!

The baker's wife,
(with a bun in the oven)
Mel ;o)


  1. Baker's wife with a bun in the oven! Love- I don't think a tag line could get much better than that.  Congrats to your hubby.

  2. Wow! DREAM JOB! Congrats to you Ben (and the entire family + little bun!)
    p.s. so good to see you & the fam, if only for a moment at the yard sale - I was terribly unkempt & exhausted, so apologize for my lack of stimulating conversation. :P


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